Layout Control
Video Interfaces with Dynamic Layout Control
Dive into the extensive features of Eyeson Call Control, from multi-party conferencing and screen sharing to dynamic content integration and real-time analytics.Visualize any Type of Media or Stream
Eyeson One View enables developers to integrate a wide array of media sources directly into a unified video and audio stream in real-time including IP cameras, bodycams, drones and real-time data visualizations. All connected clients receive the same synchronized content simultaneously, maintaining consistency across all views.

Predefine Custom Call Layouts
The Layout Control API provides unparalleled flexibility, allowing you to use custom or default layouts with definable rectangles for size, position and content fitting rules. Position elements freely across the display matrix and layer them with precision in both the foreground and background. This pixel-perfect customization ensures that you can tailor the interface to suit the unique requirements.

Full Control via the API
Eyeson offers comprehensive layout control capabilities through its API. Detailed documentation provides insights into endpoints, parameters, and response data, giving developers the tools to dynamically configure and manage video call layouts in their applications.Start a fully featured video call with a single request – embeddable into your site or app using the iFrame API.